“I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You” – 是什麼類型的詐騙?在分析這封電子郵件後,我們確定 “I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You”- 是一種色情勒索詐騙,威脅要公開揭示收件人訪問成人網站的視頻和個人信息。
題為 “I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You” – 的詐騙電子郵件使用一種策略來欺騙您,讓您相信您的電腦或手機遭受了惡意軟件感染。然後,它繼續威脅要公開揭露您的個人數據。與電子郵件中所聲稱的相反,您的設備並未被駭客入侵(或至少,這不是該電子郵件的原因)。相反,這是一種旨在讓您向這些騙子支付比特幣的詐騙手段。這種詐騙的變種通常被稱為 “色情勒索”。

“I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You” – 電子郵件
關於 “I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You” 色情勒索詐騙的更多詳情。
名稱 | I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You – 電子郵件詐騙 |
威脅類型 | 釣魚,詐騙,社交工程,詐騙 |
虛假主張 | 詐騙者聲稱已經獲得了對一台計算機的訪問權限,並獲取了敏感材料。 |
網絡犯罪者加密錢包地址 | 1r8KDQsoFUWLdV1D2L1vc66YibNDrrYys,bc1quv2l07cec2pluq6qgpv95fu990mjlm7ljqksky,16bHkVFULVmxTGVi2XKpwzkt5KrRnThzPg,1DnDfzKAjTYWcn6nCVfkXLh5RRaGBUZ7nE,1EhjD4hzLpwuHVu52ScHTJASqPdkC6SD4,1P5vLEEuGawo33WLs3pVdxTuyjqt7Ymf9C,bc1qrvdjenydph4da62uylmr77yhxx6vsaaps04hcq,1GS1SRz3QBC1NUeuhu8EWkx37qQXanUxGG |
症狀 | 未經批准的在線購物,修改了在線賬戶密碼,身份盜竊,非法訪問計算機。 |
散播方法 | 欺騙性電子郵件,流氓在線彈出廣告,搜索引擎毒化技術,拼寫錯誤的域名。 |
損害 | 敏感私人信息曝光,財務損失,身份盜竊。 |
惡意軟件清除(Windows) | 為了消除可能的惡意軟件感染,請使用合法的防病毒軟件對您的計算機進行掃描。我們的安全研究人員建議使用 Gridinsoft。 |
如果您已經打開了惡意附件,我們建議使用Gridinsoft Anti-Malware進行掃描,以自動刪除任何滲透的惡意軟件。
以下是“I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You”电子邮件中呈现的文本:
Don’t miss your unsettled payment. Complete your debt payment now.
Hi there! I regret to inform you about some sad news for you. Approximately a month or two ago I have succeeded to gain a total access to all your devices utilized for browsing internet. Moving forward, I have started observing your internet activities on continuous basis. Go ahead and take a look at the sequence of events provided below for your reference: Initially I bought an exclusive access from hackers to a long list of email accounts (in today's world, that is really a common thing, which can arranged via internet). Evidently, it wasn't hard for me to proceed with logging in your email account (-). Within the same week, I moved on with installing a Trojan virus in Operating Systems for all devices that you use to login to email. Frankly speaking, it wasn't a challenging task for me at all (since you were kind enough to click some of the links in your inbox emails before). Yeah, geniuses are among us. Because of this Trojan I am able to gain access to entire set of controllers in devices (e.g., your video camera, keyboard, microphone and others). As result, I effortlessly downloaded all data, as well as photos, web browsing history and other types of data to my servers. Moreover, I have access to all social networks accounts that you regularly use, including emails, including chat history, messengers, contacts list etc. My unique virus is incessantly refreshing its signatures (due to control by a driver), and hence remains undetected by any type of antiviruses. Hence, I guess by now you can already see the reason why I always remained undetected until this very letter... During the process of compilation of all the materials associated with you, I also noticed that you are a huge supporter and regular user of websites hosting nasty adult content. Turns out to be, you really love visiting porn websites, as well as watching exciting videos and enduring unforgettable pleasures. As a matter of fact, I was not able to withstand the temptation, but to record certain nasty solo action with you in main role, and later produced a few videos exposing your masturbation and cumming scenes. If until now you don't believe me, all I need is one-two mouse clicks to make all those videos with everyone you know, including your friends, colleagues, relatives and others. Moreover, I am able to upload all that video content online for everyone to see. I sincerely think, you certainly would not wish such incidents to take place, in view of the lustful things demonstrated in your commonly watched videos, (you absolutely know what I mean by that) it will cause a huge adversity for you. There is still a solution to this matter, and here is what you need to do: You make a transaction of $1490 USD to my account (an equivalent in bitcoins, which recorded depending on the exchange rate at the date of funds transfer), hence upon receiving the transfer, I will immediately get rid of all those lustful videos without delay. After that we can make it look like there was nothing happening beforehand. Additionally, I can confirm that all the Trojan software is going to be disabled and erased from all devices that you use. You have nothing to worry about, because I keep my word at all times. That is indeed a beneficial bargain that comes with a relatively reduced price, taking into consideration that your profile and traffic were under close monitoring during a long time frame. If you are still unclear regarding how to buy and perform transactions with bitcoins - everything is available online. Below is my bitcoin wallet for your further reference: 1r8KDQsoFUWLdV1D2L1vc66YibNDrrYys All you have is 48 hours and the countdown begins once this email is opened (in other words 2 days). The following list includes things you should remember and avoid doing: > There's no point to try replying my email (since this email and return address were created inside your inbox). > There's no point in calling police or any other types of security services either. Furthermore, don't you dare sharing this info with any of your friends. If I discover that (taking into consideration my skills, it will be really simple, because I control all your systems and continuously monitor them) - your nasty clip will be shared with public straight away. > There's no point in looking for me too - it won't result in any success. Transactions with cryptocurrency are completely anonymous and untraceable. > There's no point in reinstalling your OS on devices or trying to throw them away. That won't solve the issue, since all clips with you as main character are already uploaded on remote servers. Things that may be concerning you: > That funds transfer won't be delivered to me. Breathe out, I can track down everything right away, so once funds transfer is finished, I will know for sure, since I interminably track down all activities done by you (my Trojan virus controls all processes remotely, just as TeamViewer). > That your videos will be distributed, even though you have completed money transfer to my wallet. Trust me, it is worthless for me to still bother you after money transfer is successful. Moreover, if that was ever part of my plan, I would do make it happen way earlier! We are going to approach and deal with it in a clear manner! In conclusion, I'd like to recommend one more thing... after this you need to make certain you don't get involved in similar kind of unpleasant events anymore! My recommendation - ensure all your passwords are replaced with new ones on a regular basis.
标题为“I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You”的电子邮件可能包含嵌入在附件或电子邮件内容中的恶意软件。与这种恶意软件进行交互,如打开或下载恶意附件,可能导致您的设备或网络被意外感染。因此,攻击者可能会未经授权地访问受保护的应用程序和数据。
為確保您的計算機或手機不受特洛伊木馬,瀏覽器劫持程序或其他惡意軟件的影響,您可以使用 Gridinsoft Anti-Malware 進行免費掃描。
為什麼選擇 GridinSoft Anti-Malware?它非常輕巧,幾乎每小時更新其檢測數據庫。此外,它不像 Microsoft Defender 那樣存在問題和漏洞。這些細節的結合使得 GridinSoft Anti-Malware 適用於清除任何類型的惡意軟件。
- 下載並安裝 GridinSoft Anti-Malware。安裝完成後,您將被要求執行標準掃描。批准此操作。
- 標準掃描檢查系統文件存儲的邏輯磁盤,以及您已經安裝的程序文件。 掃描持續時間最長為 6 分鐘。
- 掃描結束後,您可以為每個檢測到的病毒選擇操作。對於所有惡意軟件文件,默認選項為 “刪除”。 按下 “應用” 完成惡意軟件清除。

「I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You」電子郵件詐騙是一種欺詐計畫,詐騙者發送虛假電子郵件,聲稱擁有有關收件人的損害資訊。他們試圖通過威脅公開個人數據或親密影片,以勒索比特幣贖金。
- 對來自未知或可疑寄件人的電子郵件保持警惕。
- 避免打開未經請求的電子郵件中的附件或點擊鏈接。
- 使用官方網站和應用商店下載應用程序和文件。
- 保持您的操作系統和已安裝的軟體最新。
- 定期使用可靠的防病毒和反惡意軟體軟體對您的設備進行掃描。
- 為您的電子郵件和在線帳戶啟用雙因素驗證。
- 斷開您的設備與互聯網的連接。
- 更改所有在線帳戶的密碼。
- 使用信譽良好的防惡意軟體軟體掃描您的設備,以移除任何可能的惡意軟體。
- 監控您的財務帳戶,並向您的銀行報告任何未經授權的活動。
- 考慮將該事件報告給當地的執法機構。
通常情況下,很不可能有人會發送像「I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You」這樣的電子郵件來披露個人信息或提出勒索要求。對於任何聲稱如此的電子郵件,請保持懷疑,並在必要時通過其他可信渠道驗證發件人的合法性。
「I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You」是什麼?
Name: I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You
Description: "I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You" 是一封電子郵件詐騙的標題或主題。這是一種欺騙性計畫,詐騙者向毫不知情的個人發送虛假的電子郵件,聲稱已經獲取了關於他們的妥協信息。該電子郵件通常聲稱收件人的電腦或手機已被駭客入侵並感染了惡意軟體,並威脅要公開個人數據或親密影片,除非支付一定數量的比特幣贖金。然而,重要的是要注意,「I Regret To Inform You About Some Sad News For You」並不是合法的通知,而是詐騙者用來灌輸恐懼並從目標中勒索金錢的策略。識別這種詐騙並避免與詐騙者互動或遵從其要求是至關重要的。
Operating System: Windows
Application Category: Scam